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Equoevento Onlus is a non-profit organisation founded in 2014 in Rome with the aim of combating food waste and encouraging solidarity at large events. We recover surplus food prepared at weddings, conferences, meetings and sporting events to deliver it to charitable canteens.

The way Equoevento works is simple and innovative: the organiser of the event (PCO, company, association or even the bride and groom) informs the host structure (hotel, restaurant, catering) of their willingness to join the initiative; the structure in turn agrees with Equoevento the time to collect the leftover food, food that must not have been in contact with the diners. We are therefore talking about intact and undamaged food, which has never left the kitchens, as required by the Gadda law no. 166/2016.
Equoevento arrives with its volunteers and the material to safely recover, picks up the surpluses, arranges them in aluminium containers which it places in thermal containers to maintain their temperature. Then, in insulated refrigerated vans, the food is taken to the nearest canteen to minimise spoilage. In most cases, the food arrives at its destination still hot and steaming hot, as if it had just come out of the kitchens.


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